Meeting Calendar

Date of Meeting




Friday 12th January

Annual General Meeting and Annual Awards

Premier Cup - A Footstool or Small side Table

Challenge Cup - A Matching Pair of Candlesticks

Friday 2nd February

Demonstration - Paul Hannaby - Paul makes a long awaited return to MSWA. He retired last year and has gone full time!

Novice Cup - A Simple Bowl

Friday 1st March

Demonstration - Dawn Hopley - Dawn will be running a Decorating Workshop, showing more ideas and Techniques

Challenge Cup - A Hollow Form

Friday 5th April

Demonstration - Keith Fenton - Keith will be demonstrating Cutting and Re-using Wine Bottle in Woodturning

Novice Cup - Mug Coasters 1 or more...

Friday 3rd May

Demonstration - Paul Bellamy - Sharpening those tools

Challenge Cup - A Large Platter

Friday 7th June

Demonstration - Steve Heeley - Woodturning!! The master at work. Something New!

Novice Cup - A Mushroom /Toadstool

Friday 5th July

Demonstration - Rob Till - Wet Turning! How to prepare, turn, treat and finish green or wet timber

Challenge Cup - An Involuted Turning

Friday 2nd August

Demonstration - Dawn, Mike or Other Volunteer!

Novice Cup - A Salt Pinch Pot

Friday 6th September

Demonstration - Stewart Furini - Stewart hails from Brighton! Our first try at a Virtual Demonstration via Zoom

Challenge Cup - An Offset Turning

Friday 4th October

Demonstration - Wolfgang Schulze-Zachau - Tales from a TV Star!!

Novice Cup - A Decorated Item. Paint, Carving, Pyrography or Inlay for example

Friday 1st November

Demonstration - Ted Gill - Turning with Multiple Centres

Challenge Cup - A Fancy Christmas Bauble

Friday 6th December

Demonstration - T.B.C - The Christmas Special

Novice Cup - A Simple Christmas Tree


Friday 10th January

Annual General Meeting and Annual Awards

Challenge Cup – A Fancy "Box"


Premier Cup – A Wall Plaque